6 research outputs found

    Group polarization, influence, and domination in online interaction networks: A case study of the 2022 Brazilian elections

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    In this work, we investigate the evolution of polarization, influence, and domination in online interaction networks. Twitter data collected before and during the 2022 Brazilian elections is used as a case study. From a theoretical perspective, we develop a methodology called d-modularity that allows discovering the contribution of specific groups to network polarization using the well-known modularity measure. While the overall network modularity (somewhat unexpectedly) decreased, the proposed group-oriented approach allows concluding that the contribution of the right-leaning community to this modularity increased, remaining very high during the analyzed period. Our methodology is general enough to be used in any situation when the contribution of specific groups to overall network modularity and polarization is needed to investigate. Moreover, using the concept of partial domination, we are able to compare the reach of sets of influential profiles from different groups and their ability to accomplish coordinated communication inside their groups and across segments of the entire network during some specific time window. We show that in the whole network, the left-leaning high-influential information spreaders dominated, reaching a substantial fraction of users with fewer spreaders. However, when comparing domination inside the groups, the results are inverse. Right-leaning spreaders dominate their communities using few nodes, showing as the most capable of accomplishing coordinated communication. The results bring evidence of extreme isolation and the ease of accomplishing coordinated communication that characterized right-leaning communities during the 2022 Brazilian elections

    Network polarization, filter bubbles, and echo chambers: An annotated review of measures and reduction methods

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    Polarization arises when the underlying network connecting the members of a community or society becomes characterized by highly connected groups with weak inter-group connectivity. The increasing polarization, the strengthening of echo chambers, and the isolation caused by information filters in social networks are increasingly attracting the attention of researchers from different areas of knowledge such as computer science, economics, social and political sciences. This work presents an annotated review of network polarization measures and models used to handle the polarization. Several approaches for measuring polarization in graphs and networks were identified, including those based on homophily, modularity, random walks, and balance theory. The strategies used for reducing polarization include methods that propose edge or node editions (including insertions or deletions, as well as edge weight modifications), changes in social network design, or changes in the recommendation systems embedded in these networks.Comment: Corrected a typo in Section 3.2; the rest remains unchange

    DyeVC: an approach for monitoring and visualizing distributed repositories

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    Abstract Software development using distributed version control systems has become more frequent recently. Such systems bring more flexibility, but also greater complexity to manage and monitor multiple existing repositories as well as their myriad of branches. In this paper, we propose DyeVC, an approach to assist developers and repository administrators in identifying dependencies among clones of distributed repositories. It allows understanding what is going on around one’s clone and depicting the relationship between existing clones. DyeVC was evaluated over open source projects, showing how they could benefit from having such kind of tool in place. We also ran an observational and a performance evaluation over DyeVC, and the results were promising: it was considered easy to use and fast for most repository history exploration operations while providing the expected answers

    Tumor growth modelling by cellular automata

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    Tumor growth is a complex process that requires mathematical modeling approaches for studying real-life cancer behavior. The use of cellular automata (CA) to represent tumor growth in its avascular stage is explained in this work, and a stochastic CA describing tumor growth is obtained, based on a differential equations system in the range of continuum mechanics. The novelty of this research is the deduction of the neighborhood structure and rules for a probabilistic CA from these differential equations that describe the evolution of the tumor growth. In addition, the influence of the stresses on tumor growth is captured by the CA